Diegetic refers to everything belonging to the fictional world of a film that the characters themselves experience and encounter. It means the implied world of the story, which includes:
- Settings
- Events
- Sounds
- Spaces
- The characters that inhabit the world
Also, actions and attitudes that are not explicitly shown in the film but are inferred by the audience as belonging to it are known as the diegesis.
Moreover, any sound (voice, music, or sound effect) presented as originating from a source within the film’s world is referred to as diegetic sound.
In contrast, background music, a narrator’s commentary, or sound effects that do not seem to originate from within the film’s world, are considered to be non-diegetic sound. The audience constructs a diegetic world from the material presented in a narrative film. All elements that exist outside this diegesis are then labeled as non-diegetic.
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