The 10 Types Of Movie – A Poster Analysis
Have you ever noticed that movie marketing posters have a sense of deja vu about them? Did you ever look up at a billboard and think, that movie looks familiar? Here’s a thread we’re sure you’ll enjoy.
Our favorite blockbuster movies with their special effects and big-name actors cost fortunes to make. So to make those expenses back, selling the movie is just as important to get “bums in seats” – to get moviegoers to buy tickets once the film premieres. Therefore, the marketing campaign has to be red hot and the posters (that often end up adorning office and student dormitory walls as well as bus shelters and billboards all over the world) are the cornerstone of a great movie marketing campaign. And to say there are some identifiable ‘tropes’ is an understatement!
This fantastic thread from Twitter-based creative director Lee Steffen ( outlines the 10 different types of movie from their poster.
1. Orange & Blue Action Posters
2. Sexy Legs
3. Blurry Cop
Give your Poster that Action Maverick Cop feel with a Tilt, Blue Tint and Running in a street.
4. Leaning Couple
5. Black Back
6. Red Dress
7. Black & Orange
8. Moody Misty
9. Eye Posters
10. Yellow Posters
If you’ve enjoyed this, feel free to share and for more content, @leesteffen on Twitter is worth a look.
Here’s one we thought you missed, Lee
11. Big Face With Writing Across It