I love lenses and examining the subtle differences with each one so I am confident in the resulting image.
Nikon lenses are sharp with a little softer contrast than the Zeiss lenses. The older A lenses are nice because they have a wider
I love lenses and examining the subtle differences with each one so I am confident in the resulting image.
Nikon lenses are sharp with a little softer contrast than the Zeiss lenses. The older A lenses are nice because they have a wider
Panavision Primo Primes are the ultimate lenses. They produce cinema film quality imagery that will blow you away. The contrast range is perfect because you have all of the highlight detail, as well as wonderful gradation into the shadows.
Lenses are one of the most critical choices when you are mounting the Canon 5D Mark II to a lens. Do not treat this camera like it is a film body. Remember to mount the camera to the lens, not the opposite.
When choosing a lens for the Canon 5D Mark II camera you have to consider the look and feel that you are trying to create for the final visual product. My team and I have tested and played with these lenses quite a bit and here is…
Shooting in Puerto Rico has tested the Canon 5D Mark II with intense humidity and rain. Yet, every time the camera has delivered.
We shot running footage of motorcycles speeding down roads, splitting traffic, and near misses by literally gaffer taping the Canon 5D to the motorcycle.
The Canon 5D Mark II is approximately 2.5 pounds with a still lens, 4.5″ high 3″ deep and 6″ long. Wow!
It is nimble and inexpensive so you can have multiple camera bodies working in different configurations simultaneously. Not being stuck with a traditional shoulder mount allows you to create a new visual language.