Tag Archive for: Gaffer
This month, we’re taking a deep plunge into lighting! Get ready, we’re taking your lighting technique to the next level, including commentary on essential tools, how to light large spaces, power your lights, and work with Chimera soft banks, Rosco LitePads, and DIY lighting. Play it here: February 2015 Podcast Members can submit podcast questions, […]
Wanna make it on movie sets? You’ve got to learn to deal with some tough cookies and develop an alligator skin, but it’s totally worth it! Here’s my stories from on set…
I’m going to talk about how I light day exteriors and how I use specific types of lights to light day exteriors.
We introduced Sherri Kauk to you with the first three videos of her presentation on “The Shooter’s Playbook.” We are continuing with the next three parts of her presentation. Sherri is an accomplished Director of Photography, Camera Operator and Gaffer. We are incredibly thrilled to showcase Sherri’s work as a talented female Director of Photography […]
Sherri’s presentation covers her work and style as a Director of Photography and Camera Operator, diving into the finer details of her approach to capturing the story with the camera and her lighting choices.
Today is a very exciting day as it is the first release of the Into the Badlands trailer for Comic Con. I wanted to share and show you what I have been creating over the last six months. Here is a glimpse of what we have been filming.
Understand the RED Dragon’s breaking point with ISOs, IREs and Latitude. Know when to use the Skin Tone OLPF or the Low Light OLPF and as many myths that an artist can uncover will be revealed!
A foundation in c-stand protocols, the so called rules, are essential to live by. In the right hands and with the right instruction, this baby will change the way you light.
Guest blogger Jim Frohna describes working on the Amazon Prime hit show “Transparent” and shooting with the Canon C500.