Tag Archive for: composition
Many iconic films take place during the holiday season. There are those that center on Christmas or Hannukuh, whereas, others might have another focus with the holidays serving as a mere backdrop, or even appearing as a segment in a passing montage. Cinema gave us bank-robbing Santas, first love under mistletoes, and an overall richer […]
This Cinema Prep Kit has been built to help you to beat the boredom while you are isolating. Beginning with Shane’s favorite books for inspiration, he will take you through the best cinematography books, apps and further lessons that we have made available for free as part of this kit!
By popular demand, the Hurlbut Academy team breaks down Bong Joon-Ho’s multi Academy Award winning masterpiece, Parasite. We dive into the composition of shots, the camera and lens choices, storyboarding and set design, camera movement and more!
The look for 2014 in Fathers and Daughters had to feel temporary, lean, crisp, sharp. There would not be any yellow from the Tiffen Antique Suede filtration. The camera emotion has to speak for each character. Taking an actor’s performance even higher is dependent on the camera and how it makes the audience feel. We cannot leave that to only the look of the film itself. We turned to the MoVI for that camera emotion and it worked beautifully in this film.
I was so excited to sit down for a conversation with Alex Buono, Co-Director and DP of the new IFC comedy series Documentary Now! and DP of the Saturday Night Live Film Unit. Alex really gives a sense of himself and shares pearls of wisdom from his years of experience on set.
Lighting techniques and camera composition is the focus of this course tailored to open your mind in new ways. I have designed this experience to be immersive, interactive and intimate using simple techniques to build confidence with any budget.