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Born in Los Angeles, CA.
2025 © Hurlbut Visuals, All Rights Reserved.
The look for 2014 in Fathers and Daughters had to feel temporary, lean, crisp, sharp. There would not be any yellow from the Tiffen Antique Suede filtration. The camera emotion has to speak for each character. Taking an actor’s performance even higher is dependent on the camera and how it makes the audience feel. We cannot leave that to only the look of the film itself. We turned to the MoVI for that camera emotion and it worked beautifully in this film.
How can I use the MōVI as a camera emotion to tell the story? The camera emotion thing is very important. I try to take every movie that I do, and attach some sort of specific camera emotion to each character.
A breakdown of Alex Buono’s new show to help give some insight for those who haven’t heard about it yet, or are considering attending.
I was so excited to sit down for a conversation with Alex Buono, Co-Director and DP of the new IFC comedy series Documentary Now! and DP of the Saturday Night Live Film Unit. Alex really gives a sense of himself and shares pearls of wisdom from his years of experience on set.
MUSE takes you through the steps of story and character generation one element at a time utilizing many different methods, including video, printable worksheets, research exercises and personal consulting. The case studies in this pilot program apply directly to corporate, documentary and wedding filmmakers most directly but narrative storytellers
Ready to join?
Born in Los Angeles, CA.
2025 © Hurlbut Visuals, All Rights Reserved.