Superstar Filmmaking Intern – Jose M. De Los Angeles
Once in a while in life, you meet someone who impresses you beyond your greatest expectations! We had that experience recently and wanted to share it with you.
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Once in a while in life, you meet someone who impresses you beyond your greatest expectations! We had that experience recently and wanted to share it with you.
Dissent: Voicing opinions that conflict with those that are commonly accepted or officially espoused.
When my Elite Team and I started blazing this trail, we had already become dissenters. We embraced a technology that in Hollywood was a joke, a fad, not viable. This is one of the great…
The first job that I ever shot with the Canon 5D was as Director and DP on a webisode series that Director of “Terminator Salvation” McG asked me to do. We produced these webisodes as part of the “Terminator Salvation” marketing campaign to be used…
Here is a little instructional video from our Hurlbut Visuals HDSLR Bootcamp. A huge thanks to editor Chris Fenwick (Slice Editorial) for taking the time to cut this footage!
I have talked in the past about the power of the hybrid approach. Taking the best from still photography and the best from motion picture photography and colliding them….
When I started the 5 week Marine’s commercial two months ago, I knew we would be in wide open spaces as well as tight quarters on the Amphibious Assault Destroyer. The project required gear that was versatile, so I turned to Kessler Crane’s CineSlider. NAB was where I…
I am on the road again directing for Bandito Brothers and loving it. As a filmmaker, I am taking advantage of this inspiring, creative tool (a 5D camera) while stretching the budget. Our goal is to show the influence of the Marines around the globe while…
I started giving a Leica list out to individual colleagues and the request kept coming, so we decided to share it with everyone on the blog. These lenses are only R-Mount, they are the cream of the crop and through variest test we have found them to be excellent.
Three weeks ago I was selected as the director for a national commercial campaign for Case Tractors. It would be my first solo directing gig after signing with the Bandito Brothers one month ago. In the commercial world, an advertising agency is hired by the client, which…
Episode III “Carnival” was on Day two of our four day shooting schedule. This day was a very ambitious one because we had four company moves. We started at the ranch house location, moved to meadow location, then on to the main street location for the street fight.
It seems like everyone is jumping on the PL mount 7D bandwagon and I have to say it is very unfortunate that the 5D does not have the same energy. All the specs on a PL mounted 5D have shown that the vignette is a big issue. Most cinema lens…
We are going to give you a special treat on this blog. When I travel around the world, many people come up and ask me about the one shot helicopter crash in Terminator:Salvation. So I thought this was a fitting place to talk about all in one shot sequences…
I have had many discussions about the different lens options other than Zeiss ZE’s and Canon’s that mount to the Canon cameras. Zeiss took it to the next level with their Canon mount CP2’s and their new Zooms that come out this summer.
When Canon and Hurlbut Visuals teamed up on this joint venture, we wanted to put together a trilogy of Behind the Scenes videos where I narrated about what goes on inside my head as a cinematographer. We also wanted to show that even though there is a planning process…
Here is the much anticipated post-production work flow blog that you have been asking for from Mike McCarthy, our technology guru. Please visit Mike’s site at for even more in-depth technical information on the post-production work flow process.
As the pressure from commercial production companies and the ad agencies started to inquire about needing 24p and that they could not deal with the rendering time of all the twixtor files, the 7D started to rise as the premium capture. That is when the aha moment happened for me. I thought, why is everyone asking for second best when the Canon 5D is king.
I am Mike McCarthy, the Director of Technology at Bandito Brothers. I have been working with Bandito Brothers since the company started in 2006, and have been involved with projects using almost any format imaginable.
My first experience with the 5D DI color correction was for the Terminator Webisodes produced by the Bandito Brothers through Wonderland Sound and Vision. McG asked me to be the Director/Cameraman for these alternative marketing shorts that were going on the Internet.
I have been doing research on other sites recently and checking out the monster camera configurations that people are creating. I question if that is the right path based on the two things attracted me to this camera; the filmic looking sensor and the size.
When I stumbled onto this HDSLR technology, I realized within minutes of using the technology that it was a “game changer” and the rulebook had to be thrown out and a new one created.
I thought if we can start a new rulebook…
I walked into Samy’s Camera last week and a camera assistant was mounting gyros on the 5D to stabilize the camera. She was getting beaten up by the mount and said, “I cannot get this clamped on here.” I said “ Hi, I would love to help…