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202 search results for: act of valor


Camera Checklist for HDSLRs

Here is a little instructional video from our Hurlbut Visuals HDSLR Bootcamp. A huge thanks to editor Chris Fenwick (Slice Editorial) for taking the time to cut this footage!

I have talked in the past about the power of the hybrid approach. Taking the best from still photography and the best from motion picture photography and colliding them….


Leica R Mount Lenses for the Canon HDSLR

I started giving a Leica list out to individual colleagues and the request kept coming, so we decided to share it with everyone on the blog. These lenses are only R-Mount, they are the cream of the crop and through variest test we have found them to be excellent.


“The Last 3 Minutes” Canon 5D 24p Firmware Shines

As the pressure from commercial production companies and the ad agencies started to inquire about needing 24p and that they could not deal with the rendering time of all the twixtor files, the 7D started to rise as the premium capture. That is when the aha moment happened for me. I thought, why is everyone asking for second best when the Canon 5D is king.


Cinematography: Keeping It Small

I have been doing research on other sites recently and checking out the monster camera configurations that people are creating. I question if that is the right path based on the two things attracted me to this camera; the filmic looking sensor and the size.


Cinematography: Camera Stabilization

I walked into Samy’s Camera last week and a camera assistant was mounting gyros on the 5D to stabilize the camera. She was getting beaten up by the mount and said, “I cannot get this clamped on here.” I said “ Hi, I would love to help…

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