Anton Bauer QRC-CA940 Gold Mount Battery Plate for Canon C300 and C500
So many times you look at your camera and you wonder, how did it get so big? Wires, monitors, EVF, clamps, wireless follow focus, zoom motors and handles. What you soon realize is that the camera will morph from small to big depending on your storytelling application. These items are all necessary for your team to function at its best but they all require power. The Elite Team and I have been field testing different power and cable management systems. We have found that the best solution to power the Canon C500 and C300 are the Anton Bauer Dionic batteries, along with the Anton Bauer QRC-CA940 Gold Mount battery plate. It powers the two cameras via the DC connector. It also has three additional P-Tap outputs for powering an EVF, monitor, Bartech unit or other accessories.
This is a huge streamlined advantage for powering the camera and all of the accessories with one battery. It simplifies on-set battery management and reduces down time. Remember KISS (keep it simple stupid). When you eliminate unnecessary batteries and cable P-tap splitters, you limit problems and increase your speed and efficiency.
The plate also mounts and integrates into the Master Cinema Series gear system easily by screwing into the back of the shoulder weight or a cheese plate.

C300 and accessories powered off of Anton Bauer Gold Plate mounted to Master Cinema Series shoulder weight
The C300 with the Anton Bauer gold plate is available for rental at Revolution Cinema Rentals.
Before anything I want to thank you for all this info. With all that guerrilla style, super ultra DIY blogs (that I follow too) is really nice to have some one that tell us how it is done on a pro enviroment. Lots of amazing info on this blol always. I have a cuestion that may be off-topic. Whe you need a shot were your character supposedly to be almost in completly dark, but you don’t want to loss the expressions in the face (at least a little bit of it ) how many steps do you under expose the shot?
It would be a blast to get this answer from a pro. Keep Going.
From Mexico Erik
Erik R.s.P, thank you so much for your wonderful words and support of our blog. This all depends on which camera, with 35mm film I would go 3.5- 4 stops. On Arri Alexa I would go 6 stops. On the C300, I would go 5 stops. It varies depending on your tool.
Just this morning I was beginning to do some research on the different anton bauer batteries so thanks for the post!
Pablo Gustafson, You are very welcome. Thank you for your support
Using a large capacity Anton Bauer or V-lock battery is definitely a good idea, but with this Anton Bauer plate, you also need a cheese plate and a range of adaptors for different accessories. Check out this version which has a built in clamp to mount on a 15mm rail system rig, plus it also comes with a charger to charge the battery, plus an HDMI splitter, and lots of different voltage outputs and spare cables:
Anton Bauer version:
V Lock Version:
Dave, this thing looks kick ass. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hey Shane,
Thanks for this article, what a huge help! I’m about to purchase this exact setup for our newly acquired C500 and wanted to know how long one of these batteries typically lasts when powering the camera and 2-3 accessories.
Christopher Francis, I would say about 4 to 5 hours